Colonel Fred Johnson (USA, Retired) has told the story of his journey through five wars on the stage during the Wofford College TEDx, Louisville Moth GrandSlam, with the Louisville Storytellers Project, on the Moth Radio Hour Podcast and in Reader's Digest and Kentucky Living. Fred is an Airborne and Ranger qualified infantryman who served 29 years in the United States Army. He first went to war in 1991 during Desert Storm and participated in the liberation of Kuwait. In 1996, he participated in Operation Joint Endeavor in Bosnia, which helped end Serbian genocide of Bosnian Muslims. In 2006-2007, during Operation Iraqi Freedom, and at the height of the Surge, Fred received the Bronze Star for Valor during Operation Arrowhead Ripper and the liberation of Baqubah from Al Qaeda. In his last combat deployment, Fred was the advisor to the most senior military officer in the Afghan National Army. Since retiring from the Army, Fred continues his service as a community advocate for positive change in Louisville, Kentucky as a volunteer with Restorative Justice Louisville. Fred is the co-founder of "Shakespeare with Veterans," a program dedicated to helping veterans address challenges with transitioning from military service and overcoming combat trauma, moral injury and PTSD. He is the founder of the Perryville Battlefield Leadership Experience, a leadership workshop held on the historic site of Kentucky's bloodiest Civil War battle. In addition to publishing Five Wars: A Soldier's Journey to Peace, Fred is the author of Soft Skills in Hards Places: The Perryville Battlefield Leadership Experience. Currently, Colonel Johnson is a sixth grade social studies teacher at Thomas Jefferson Middle School. Fred is from Centralia, Illinois and graduated from Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina. In addition to Bachelor Degrees in Government and Sociology, he has two Masters Degrees. Fred is married to Dr. Laura Johnson, PhD, also an Army veteran, and they have a daughter Madelyn.